Selerix Developer Tools
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Enrollment Integrations > Enrollment Integration Details > Developer Walkthroughs > Single Sign-On (SSO)

This section outlines the steps required to launch a Single Sign-On (SSO) BenSelect enrollment from within your application.  For user name and password integrations, refer to the section on Web Services.

Development for SSO integration may begin only after the necessary information has been exchanged between you and your BenSelect group administrator as discussed earlier.  This will include things like a custom enrollment URL, agent credentials, how to uniquely identify the enrollment group, and how to identify applicants.

If enrollee data does not already exist on the enrollment case, the developer has to supply that information before enrollment may begin.  This may be accomplished by posting data to BenSelect using Selerix Web Service (SOAP) calls, or it may be handled by including applicant data in an attribute of the SAML XML.  Although the SAML message may also be used as a data envelope to "carry" enrollee data, the primary purpose of SAML here is to perform authentication.

Using the table of contents at the left, navigate to the appropriate section for your enrollment.  The section begins by describing a SAML v1.1 integration and wraps up with the steps for a SAML v2.0 interchange.


See Also